Core Features

Usage by Subscriber

Usage by Subscriber

For each wireless subscriber, easily see all the costs, activities and consumption. CellAsyst also allows the addition of subscriber info that is not in your carrier’s bill, such as email address, financial coding or location.

Feature 2

Usage by Service

Quickly see the associated costs of subscribers use of services and add on features such as Service Plans, Voice Services, Data Services and Value added Services

Feature 3

Email Invoices

Sending Invoices to subscribers makes them aware of the usage costs and often results in a decrease in monthly spend.

Generate Excel Reports

Generate Excel Reports

This report shows a summary of spending by subscriber. Quickly identify the subscribers responsible for the bulk of the usage and costs.

Hierarchy Management

Hierarchy Management

Establish your own departmental billing structure. Move subscribers from one department or cost center.


Users and Roles

Add users and establish their roles, giving visibility to data as required.

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